Friday, February 20, 2015

Why hire a professional newborn photographer?

When was the last time you had portraits made at a large chain studio and actually had the luxury of your photo session including props that were custom ordered just for your session? Did he/she seek to find out who you are, what your style is, what your goal is with the session they performed? Can you even remember the name of your cookie-cutter in-store photographer? The answer to all of that is probably no!

Custom photography is simply that… a custom experience tailored to suit you, your style, your
personality and your needs. When I am contacted for a newborn photography session far enough in advance of the actual session date that is scheduled, I have the luxury of ordering props such as hats, blankets, baskets, etc that are suited entirely for your session. You can not walk into a cookie-cutter studio and expect them to have a lamb hat to match the nursery theme in your baby’s nursery and even pair that hat with a backdrop that fits your color scheme. With custom photography (and enough time beforehand!) that is entirely possible!
I can also guarantee that the “photographer” from your cookie-cutter photography session will
not be going home that night to spend many hours editing those photos, removing blemishes,
blogging about your session, and going the extra mile for customer #2634. Custom photographers do! We spend many hours perfecting your images to create a unique gallery that truly makes our clients’ personalties shine through; a gallery that will preserve an incredibly important memory in your lifetime.

Please see original blog post
 by Marianne Drenthe of Marmalade Photography and can be found at the Professional Child Photography site at


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